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Official Community Plans

An Official Community Plan (OCP) is a policy document that provides a long term vision for the community. It includes objectives and policies that help guide decisions on planning and land use management, within the area covered by the plan. OCPs generally address a wide range of categories, such as environmental protection, housing,  transportation, infrastructure and land use.

The RDEK currently has 13 Official Community Plans in place. Work is underway to create new OCP's for the Columbia Lake and Fairmont Hot Springs area; the Jaffray, Rosen Lake, Tie Lake, Elko and Galloway areas; and the Toby Benches.

How is an OCP different than a Zoning Bylaw

An OCP is a high level strategic planning document that provides policy direction. A Zoning Bylaw contains the specific regulatory requirements.  For example, an OCP might say “high density housing is generally supported in this area” where the Zoning Bylaw will say that the building on that specific lot is permitted to be a maximum of 3 storeys tall and cover 40% of the lot.

Consultation during the development of an OCP

When the RDEK undertakes an OCP planning process, the community's involvement is a key aspect of our work plan.  In addition to the community, we seek input from elected offiicials, staff and other stakeholders.

We provide opportunities for the community to help identify priorities through Visioning Workshops, we sometimes have community-based Advisory Commissions,  and we hold information meetings and open houses. In addition, we publish newsletters to keep the community informed throughout the process and often have surveys at different points along the way.

This consultation begins at the outset of the planning process and continues all the way through.  It is done in advance of, and in addition to, the public hearing.

View the RDEK Public Web Map HERE 

Last edited: Fri, August 16, 2024 - 8:55:42