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This page provides an overview of some of the fees charged by the Building Department.  Fees are subject to change.

Schedule of Fees (Schedule A - Bylaw No. 3254)

Permit Fees - Building permit fees are based on the estimated construction value.  For inquiries regarding Electoral Areas A, B, C and E (Elk Valley, South Country, rural Cranbook/Kimberley), call our Cranbrook office Building & Protective Services Department at (250) 489-2791 or 1-888-478-7335 or email [email protected] for details.  For inquiries related to the Upper Columbia Valley (Electoral Areas F and G), contact Krista Konchak at 250-342-0063 or [email protected].

Building Permit Renewals - Building permits are good for 2 years.  Renewed permits are good for one additional year at a cost of $75.00 or $2.00 per $1000.00 of the estimated value of the work to be completed, whichever is greater.

Land Title Search - A Land Title Search print dated no more than 30 days before you file your application is required for all building permit applications. These are available online at http://www.ltsa.ca/cms/. If requested, a Title Search can be obtained by the RDEK for a document fee of $17.50. 

Civic Address Fee - To obtain a civic address for a property, you require a building permit and will need to pay a $30.00 civic address fee before the property address can be assigned  If a building permit has not been issued and a parcel is vacant, the Regional District may, upon payment of the fee, assign a number to the parcel only in cases where a number is required for insurance purposes, for the location of the parcel by emergency services, or to allow an owner to apply for services such as hydro, telephone and cable.

Development Permits - A Development Permit Area (DPA) is a set of development regulations pertaining to a specific area as specified by an Official Community Plan. In general, for properties located within a Development Permit Area, a Development Permit must be obtained prior to applying for a building permit, subdividing land, and engaging in land altering activities.  The fee for a Development Permit is between $125 and $400. For more information on DPAs, or to check to see if your property is within a defined DPA, visit the Planning & Development Services Page.

Last edited: Mon, June 24, 2024 - 12:07:51