In the early 1990s, the RDEK undertook civic addressing in the Columbia Valley. The main purpose was to provide a means of locating residences.
Since that time, civic addressing has been assigned for all occupied properties in the RDEK, and we provide a civic address for all new residences and businesses. This is normally done at Building Permit stage.
All assigned civic addresses should be posted where they are clearly visible, from the road, for emergency 9-1-1 services.
The RDEK will provide a civic address, on request, for vacant properties or properties with accessory buildings if the address is required for emergency services or insurance purposes. A civic address may also be provided, prior to the issuance of a building permit, if required for the installation of utilities or delivery of materials. An application “Request for Pre addressing of Unoccupied Property” Form and a $30.00 application fee is required.
Have you moved? Please contact the RDEK with your new mailing address via phone 250-489-0305 or email: [email protected] so we can update our system.
To learn more about Property Addressing or to find out what your civic address is, contact our Engineering Services Department.
Last edited: Thu, September 19, 2024 - 2:12:42