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Bylaw Enforcement

The main drive behind the RDEK's Bylaw Enforcement Program is to seek compliance with our bylaws. The RDEK employs two Compliance Officers. Debbie Pighin is responsible for enforcing Regional District Regulatory Bylaws in Electoral Areas A, B, C, and E.  Kim O’Farrell is responsible for Electoral Areas F & G.  The Bylaws the Compliance Officers are responsible for include but are not limited to the following:

  • Nuisances and Unsightly Premises
  • Noise Control
  • Zoning
  • Building Bylaw
  • Weed Control Bylaw
  • Special Events

Making a Complaint

All complaints must be made in writing to the Compliance Officer within their respective Electoral Area.  To make a complaint, you can print off the appropriate form below, fill it out, and mail, fax or email it to either [email protected] or [email protected].  For other complaints, please submit a letter. Note: you will need Acrobat Reader to view the following files. 



Frequently Asked Questions

Will My Neighbour Find Out I'm Reporting Him/Her?
Many people are concerned about this issue.  Although complaints must be made in writing, all complaints are confidential. The Compliance Officer requires your contact information to follow up, to get more details and keep you informed about the progress of a file.  If you are concerned about your privacy, we will be happy to take you through the process step by step. 

How Do I Know If You Can Help Me?
If you are having a problem that you think falls into one of the above categories, and if you are in Electoral Areas A, B, C, or E please email Debbie Pighin, Compliance Officer or call the RDEK office in Cranbrook at 489-2791.  If you are in Electoral Area F or G please email Kim O’Farrell, Compliance Officer or call the Columbia Valley Office at 342-0063.  Either Compliance Officer can be reached toll free at 1-888-478-7335. They will review your information and let you know if there is anything the RDEK can do to assist you

I'm Having a Problem With a Dog in My Neighbourhood. Can You Help?
Noise from barking dogs falls under the Noise Control Bylaw in all areas of the Regional District. If you have a dog noise complaint please contact the Compliance Officer in your Electoral Area or fill out this form and email to the applicable Compliance Officer.

The Regional District also provides dog control services in Electoral Areas F and G.  The dog control officer for those areas is the Compliance Officer, Kim O'Farrell. She can be contacted by phone at 250-342-0063 or by email at [email protected]

If you are having a problem with what you consider to be a vicious dog in Electoral Areas A, B, C, and E, contact Debbie Pighin, Compliance Officer at 489-2791 to find about provincial legislation that allows the police to take action.

What Happens After I Make a Complaint?
Once a complaint has been submitted in writing, you will likely be contacted to confirm details. If the file requires the action of a Compliance Officer, they will begin the process of trying to reach a resolution.  The most important step in the process is the first step which involves the public writing or an email to bring the problem to the RDEK’s attention.  All complaints remain confidential.

How do I apply for a Special Event Licence?
If you would like to apply for a special event licence, please contact Nikki Bradshaw, Deputy Corporate Officer, and she will gladly assist you. For more information, check our Special Event Licencing page.

Last edited: Tue, August 27, 2024 - 5:28:08