Kootenay scenery image

Census Info

Population and dwelling unit figures for the East Kootenay are from the 2021 Census of Canada. The census includes only those people who are permanent residents of the East Kootenay and certain types of non-residents. It does not include visitors or seasonal residents. The number of dwellings includes all homes whether occupied or not.

Census data is used by many individuals and organizations. Businesses and their investors use the information to determine size and composition of their markets. Governments base their funding allocations for schools, hospitals, social programs and other government services on the census. RDEK Planners monitor community change through the census.

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) includes the area from Ryan bridge east of Yahk to just north of Spillimacheen, from the height of land in the Purcell Mountains to the British Columbia - Alberta border. The RDEK is divided into six electoral areas. A map of the RDEK can be viewed here.

2021 Census Population & Dwelling Count

Population Change between 2021 and 2016 Census years

2021 Census - Percentage of Dwelling Units Occupied by Usual Residents

Last edited: Thu, March 03, 2022 - 11:49:00