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Plans and Projects

One of the primary functions of the Planning & Development Services Department is focused on longer term planning projects.  These include things like Official Community Plans, Managment Plans, Sustainability Strategies, our Agricultural Plan and more.  These long term planning initiatives generally take 12-18 months to develop, involve extensive public consultation, and are intended to provide a framework or vision for the future to ensure growth and development are sustainable and maintain our quality of life.

Plans/Projects Underway

For information on current plans and projects please visit: engage.rdek.bc.ca

Existing Plans:

One important document is the RDEK Regional Sustainability Strategy (RSS). The RSS replaces our old Regional Growth Strategy and is a forward looking, long term planning tool that will help inform other plans, such as future Official Community Plans. The Strategy will also be used to help align other aspects of the RDEK’s work by applying a “sustainability lens” to guide operations and decision-making.

Contact Us

For more information on our Planning projects and priorities, contact [email protected]

Last edited: Mon, February 26, 2024 - 1:30:10