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New Service Connections

Each Water and Sewer System faces capacity restrictions and a limited number of available connections. New connection requests are reviewed following the Utilities Extension and Acquisition Policy. As fees are required at time of application. Prior to submitting a formal application for a new connection please review information below. 

Pre-Approved Connections – Rent Charges 

If you have an existing utility account with the RDEK for a Rent Charges Account, this means the parcel has been pre-approved for a connection to the East Side Lake Windermere Water Service Area. We have the capacity to ensure this parcel can connect to the system. A formal connection application is still required, but only the base connection charge and water meter fees are applicable.

New Connection and Building Permits

As part of the initial building permit review process, staff will assess if the parcel and building permit application meet water and sewer requirements. Including, if the parcel is within an existing service area as outlined in STEP 1. 

STEP 1 – Determine if you are in an existing service area 

Please reach out to our Engineering Services Team to determine if your parcel is within the service area at: [email protected]

When emailing please provide the following information:

  1. Parcel Information – Please provide Civic Address or PID
  2. Timelines - when you would want to be connected
  3. Contact Information – phone numbers and any additional contacts to be looped in 

Once the Engineering Services Team has received the information above, they will pull property information and confirm next steps. Some of the information that the Engineering Team reviews includes:

  • If the parcel is already in an existing service area
    • Note: A parcel could be within a Water Service Area but not a Sewer Service Area or vice versa. If the parcel is not within an established service area a petition to add the parcel in is required. (See Step 1A)
  • If that parcel has an existing connection or curbstop
  • Locations of Water and Sewer Mains in relation to the parcel
  • If there are any latecomer agreements or other special fees/obligations
  • If the connection meets the Utilities Extension and Acquisition Policy

The Engineering Team is there to ensure that the new connection request is suitable prior to a formal application being submitted. 

STEP 1A – Petition (if not in service area)

If the parcel is not within an existing service area a Petition to join is required before a formal application for a new connection can be submitted. A Service Area Petition requires the:

  1. Owner to submit a petition document requesting inclusion in the Service Area (the petition document will be provided by the RDEK by request)
  2. Engineering and Corporate Services Staff review the petition document
  3. Board to review and approve or deny the inclusion request
  4. Utilities Commission for the System (if applicable) to approve the inclusion request
STEP 2 – Formal Application
Applications are available at each RDEK office. Applications include work order documents acknowledging the applicant is responsible for full costs for installation of connection. Signatures are required on all application documents and must be completed in person.
Application for connection are available at our Columbia Valley Office for systems within:
  • Windermere (water only no sewer services) East Side Lake Windermere
  • Holland Creek 
  • Edgewater
  • Spur Valley (water only no sewer services)
  • Rushmere (water only no sewer services)
Application for new connections at our Cranbrook Office area available for systems within:
  • Elko (water only no sewer services)
  • Moyie (water only no sewer services)
Once the application is received and fees are paid, the RDEK will start the process of scheduling work. If applying for a new connection as part of a building permit, these are often sent out with the building permit fees. No other action is required by the applicant until contacted by the RDEK. 
STEP 3 – RDEK Processes the New Connection 
The RDEK will schedule work with contractors for the new connection.  The RDEK will:
  1. Receive estimates for the new utility connection
  2. Schedule the new connection (RDEK hired Contractors)
  3. Inspect the new connection (Internal RDEK Staff)
  4. If applicable: Water Meter Install Process
    • Provide a water meter. This will be held at the Columbia Valley Office until the owner is ready to install the meter.
    • Require the owner to: hire a plumber to install the water meter and requests an inspection from a RDEK Utility Operator.
  5. Turn on Water or Sewer Service connection.
  6. Create Utility Account
  7. Invoice additional connection fee costs on the first utility bill.

There are set fees associated with connecting to our water or sewer systems but there may be additional fees based on the specific parcel. Find out more about each type of fee below:

The connection fee is paid at time of application and is based on fees set out in our Water and Sewer Bylaws.

Flat connection fees are the minimum cost of connections. There are two levels of flat connection fees – the base fee is appliable if a curbstop is in place. If a curbstop needs to be installed, the higher base rate applies as and an open work order is signed to agree for payment of costs over and above the higher base rate.

All water systems are metered with the exception of Elko/Moyie – this is a mandatory cost. For residential connections, a water Meter up to ¾" will be supplied at cost to the Owner and shall be installed by a qualified plumber. All installations must be inspected and approved by the RDEK prior to the service being turned on.

Where actual cost of connection exceeds the flat connection fee, the Owner shall pay the actual costs of connection which include labour, materials, and equipment. This fee applies to connection costs that exceed the flat connection fee. 
Examples of additional costs include:

  • Cutting and restoration of road asphalt to access mains
  • Length to main longer and requires additional time and materials to place 

The RDEK will hire a contractor to complete the connection with internal qualified operators inspecting the works. The RDEK will request an estimate from the contractor prior to the start of works. 

Sometimes a third-party constructs utility infrastructure in order to service a parcel or subdivision that would allow other parcels to connect to a system. Each parcel that can connect will have a latecomer agreement registered with the owner of the utility. The owner of the utility collects the latecomer fee and acts as an intermediary to pay the original developer.
The latecomer fee is the amount each parcel would pay if the utility infrastructure was split by all parcels at time of construction. 

When a new connection is added to a system where the connection adds a demand that was not planned as part of the original system design a capital infrastructure fee/upgrade fee maybe applied. Demand is defined as the water or wastewater generated from a single-family dwelling or equivalent. Utility systems are designed based on a number of single-family dwellings or equivalents they service.  

Last edited: Fri, January 26, 2024 - 5:11:25