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Sewer Systems

The RDEK manages the sewer systems for residents of Edgewater and Holland Creek (Lakeview Meadows). We do not control or licence in-ground septic facilities.  Anyone with inquiries on these facilities should contact their local Public Health Officer.

System Highlights:

The Baltac Sewer Collection System is owned by the RDEK and operated by Windermere Water and Sewer Company. The sewage collected by the Baltac system is treated at Windermere Water and Sewer Company’s sewage treatment lagoons. 

Holland Creek (Lakeview Meadows)
The RDEK collects the sewage, which is then treated at the Kinbasket Sewage Treatment Plant.

The RDEK owns and operates the sewage collection and treatment system in Edgewater.

Maintenance Tips

Blockages in these sewer systems can be caused by the accumulation of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) and we are asking residents to be especially careful when disposing of these materials.

Some FOG-related items that should never go in the drain or toilet:

  • Baking goods
  • Butter, lard, shortening
  • Cooking oil
  • Fats and oil from cooked meats
  • Food scraps
  • Gravy
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salad dressings
  • Wipes (even “flushable”)
  • Sour cream

Blockages caused by FOG, food scraps, and wipes have caused raw sewage to back up and even run overland. They must be cleared by a vacuum truck which not only results in increased operating costs but can take time to find an available truck.

Some ways to keep these things out of the system include pouring cooled fats, oils and greases into containers and putting the containers in the trash, wiping excess materials from dishes and disposing of them in the garbage, using sink strainers to catch food waste, putting food scraps in the garbage, and never flushing wipes down the toilet, even if the packaging says that it is safe to do so.

Please note:  We would like to remind those residents with homes on the low pressure sewer system (homes with individual sewer pumps) to please flush plenty of water through your system prior to vacating the home for an extended period of time.  This practice will prevent sewer odour from forming and releasing upon initial use after sitting idle for weeks or months.

For more information on the flushing program, contact:
Tom Altmann, Utility Superintendent
250-342-0063 or [email protected]


Last edited: Wed, May 08, 2024 - 11:27:31