All utility billing for the Regional District of East Kootenay is completed quarterly for our Water and Sewer Systems. You can find out more about fees for each system here:
Utility Bills are typically sent out in January, April, July, and October.
If you have recently purchased a property that has a RDEK Water or Sewer Service our system will be updated with your information and a utility bill will be mailed to you. We cannot add any information until land title changes have been finalized. Please wait two weeks after closing to reach out and confirm your information.
If you have not received a bill, as noted on the billing schedule above, please contact our Cranbrook Office.
Utility Bills are all mailed unless you sign up for e-billing. In order to sign up for e-billing you will first need a paper copy of your utility bill with an access code. This will be at the top of your Utility Statement. You can then sign up for e-billing here: MyRDEK Registration
If you have not received a bill, as noted on the billing schedule above, please contact our Cranbrook Office.
Payment options for utility bills include:
The following systems have water meters:
For more information on your water meter please see the following guide: How to Read and Interpret Your Water Meter
Connections in the Elko and Moyie water systems are unmetered.
Once we have read water meters before utility billing, we may send out notices.
A zero consumption notice means the water meter has not recorded any water consumption since the last meter read.
A continuous flow notice means that water has been noted as running continuously over a certain period. This could be 3 days up to the entire period between the two water meter reads. This could indicate a small leak somewhere in your house such as a toilet.
A water meter deficiency notice means we had issues with getting an accurate water meter reading. Please contact our office to schedule an inspection.
For more information on connections, meters and user fees, or to arrange to have your water turned on or off, please contact the Engineering Services Department at 250-489-6902 or email at [email protected]a
Last edited: Wed, May 15, 2024 - 11:36:19