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Invasive Plant Control

The first question some people ask when they hear the RDEK has an invasive plant program is "what is an invasive plant?"  Many people think of knapweed, which is one of the more commonly recognized invasive plants in our region. There are actually hundreds of invasive plant species in Canada, including a number of aquatic species.

An invasive species is defined as "an organism (plant, animal, fungus, or bacterium) that is not native and has negative effects on our economy, our environment, or our health. Not all introduced species are invasive. Invasive plants and animals are the second greatest threat to biodiversity after habitat loss."

 All landowners/occupiers in British Columbia have a legal responsibility to control provincially and regionally listed Noxious Weeds; the provincial Weed Control Act and Regulations legislate this.  The RDEK's invasive plant program focuses on assisting private landowners with controlling invasive plants on their property.

*See Priority Invasive Plant Species and EDRR Lists at http://ekisc.com/

For information on invasive plant species and control, check out the videos at: 

Invasive Plant Disposal

You’ve pulled up invasive plants on your property, now what? All invasive plants can be taken free of charge to any RDEK Transfer Station. Please ensure the following:

  1. They are separated from any other yard and garden waste.
  2. They are bagged.
  3. They are placed into the garbage.

Invasive plants need to be separated from other yard and garden material and landfilled to ensure they don't spread to other locations in the RDEK. Pulling and removing invasive plants is not the only treatment method. See below for options of how to find out about controlling invasive plants on your property.

Invasive Plant Complaints and Enforcement

The public is increasingly more aware of invasive plants and has become more involved with compliance issues by submitting complaints about private lands with invasive plants that are not being controlled.

To submit an invasive plant complaint, please complete the form below.

Invasive Plant Complaint Form (Print & Submit)

Interactive Invasive Plant Complaint Form (Complete electronically & email)

Information on how to report invasive plants on Crown land (front country and back country) and MOTI (Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure) right of ways (highways and secondary roads) is located on the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council website at https://www.ekisc.com/

The RDEK has developed an Invasive Plant Bylaw Enforcement Policy and Procedures document that is used as a tool to help guide RDEK staff and the public through management of invasive plants. Education and voluntary cooperation of the landowner is the primary objective. However, if RDEK staff are unsuccessful in achieving voluntary compliance, enforcement in the form of remedial action (RDEK hiring a contractor to control invasive plants on private lands) may be undertaken. Remedial action costs, if not paid by the property owner, will be added to the property owner's taxes.

Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program

The RDEK has developed the Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program to provide landowners/occupiers with the guidance, resources, and in some cases financial support to manage priority invasive plants on private lands.  However, this program is not intended to fund property owners’ ongoing obligation to control invasive plants as required under the provincial Weed Control Act.


Invasive plants pose a significant threat to the ecological, social, and economic values of the East Kootenay Region.  Over the years, the EKISC has worked on behalf of several provincial government ministries to conduct invasive plant management on Crown land in the East Kootenay.

However, invasive plants do not respect jurisdictions and a more integrated approach across both Crown and private lands was needed. The program has been specifically designed to encourage and support invasive plant management efforts on privately owned and occupied lands.  The hope is that a coordinated approach across both public and private lands will lead to greater success in the ‘war against weeds’ in the East Kootenay.


The program is available to private landowners/occupiers within the RDEK. However, in order to qualify for the various program options, private land must contain priority invasive plants species or Early Detection rapid response (EDRR) species as determined by the RDEK and EKISC (click HERE).


The program begins on May 1st annually, with a continuous intake of applications until October 1 or until funding has been depleted.


The RDEK funds and administers the program. Funding may vary annually.

The program provides five options to support private landowners/occupiers including:

Backpack sprayers are loaned out to control priority invasive plant species on private land. 
Landowners/occupiers are responsible for the purchase and application of herbicide. This service is offered annually to all applicants. The sprayer unit can be borrowed for 14 days from the application date (extensions can be provided upon request/approval).

Landowners/occupiers who have new invasive plant species as identified on the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council’s (EKISC) Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) list can apply to be reimbursed 100% of the treatment costs incurred from a licensed herbicide applicator or from the purchase of herbicide. This rebate is offered for the initial year of treatment.

Landowners/occupiers that have priority invasive plant species can apply to be reimbursed 50% of the treatment costs incurred from a contractor (herbicide, goats etc.) or from the purchase of invasive plant control equipment (backpack sprayer etc.) up to a maximum of $500. This rebate is offered to new applicants for the initial year of treatment.

Landowners/occupiers can apply to be reimbursed 50% of herbicide purchase, up to a maximum of $500, provided priority invasive plant species are being treated. This rebate is offered to new applicants for the initial year of treatment.

All landowners/occupiers are eligible to receive a free on-site inspection and invasive plant management plan. Printed materials are also provided.  This service is offered annually to all applicants (subject to staff availability).

  • You own, occupy or manage a parcel of private land. 
  • You have completed the application form. 
  • You do not have the ability to ‘write off’ Cost Share or Herbicide Rebate treatment costs for tax purposes. 
  • You have priority invasive plant species as identified by the RDEK and EKISC. 
  • Only one Cost Share or Herbicide Rebate per new applicant. 
  • New Invader herbicide treatments must be completed by a licensed herbicide applicator. 
  • All rebates require a site visit (subject to staff availability). 
  • All rebates require approval before work is initiated. Rebates require a photocopy of the contractor invoice, equipment or herbicide receipt.

Why such a program?

Invasive plants pose a significant threat to the ecological, social, and economic values of the East Kootenay Region.  For several years, EKISC has worked on behalf of several BC provincial government ministries to conduct invasive plant management on Crown Land in the East Kootenay.
However, invasive plants do not respect jurisdictions and a more integrated approach across both Crown and private lands was needed. The program has been specifically designed to encourage and support invasive plant management efforts on privately owned and occupied lands.  The hope is that a coordinated approach across both public and private lands will lead to greater success in the ‘war against weeds’ in the East Kootenay.

Who & what is elegible?

The program is available to private landowners/occupiers within the RDEK. However, in order to qualify for the various program options, private land must contain priority invasive plants species or EDRR species as determined by the RDEK and EKISC (click here for a full list).

When does the program begin?

The program begins on May 1st annually, with a continuous intake of applications until October 1 or until funding has been depleted.

How much funding is available?

The RDEK funds and administers the program.  Funding may vary annually.

How do I apply?

We welcome your efforts to manage and control invasive plants on privately owned and occupied lands.
If you are interested in applying for the various program options, please fill out the electronic form and you can also request a form from RDEK staff.

Interactive Program Form - complete electronically, save & email to [email protected]

Program Form - print, complete and submit via email or drop-off at RDEK Office

Please submit application forms via email, mail, or in person to:

Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program 
c/o Regional District of East Kootenay
19-24th Avenue South
Cranbrook, BC  V1C 3H8
Phone: 250-489-2791
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours are 8:30-4:30 Monday-Friday

To learn more about invasive plant control legislation and the corresponding regulations, click on the links below:

Some other helpful links include:

Last edited: Tue, September 26, 2023 - 11:39:37