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Emergency Support Services

When an emergency or disaster strikes, our local Emergency Support Services (ESS) team members are there to help. Our regional ESS team is made up of local, compassionate volunteers, who want to make a difference when their friends and neighbours need it most.

New volunteers from all of the municipalities, rural areas and First Nations in the region are always welcome. If you want to help in your community and are a compassionate, team-oriented individual, we'd love to hear from you.

Our regional ESS team is managed by the Canadian Red Cross and they train and guide you on how to safely provide vital services to people affected by an emergency or a disaster – large or small. In addition, you'll learn how to provide practical and emotional support to people when they need it most.

What can you expect as an ESS Volunteer?

  • You will work with your team and community partners to register evacuees and provide access to services such as shelter, food, and clothing.
  • You will also help provide emotional care and comfort within an emergency shelter, community reception centre, community recovery centre or through outreach activities in the community. 
  • You are willing to help within your community and you may be available to help in other communities periodically throughout the year.

How To Apply

Contact Simran Sandhu at [email protected] or 250-489-6908. He will share more about the program and connect you with the Red Cross to onboard as a volunteer.

The Regional ESS program is part of the East Kootenay Emergency Management Program Service. We are proud to have partnered with the Canadian Red Cross for the delivery of our local ESS program as we continue to support residents in the region during disasters.


Helpful Links

Information on the ESS Program from the Province of British Columbia can be found by clicking HERE.

Information on the Canadian Red Cross can be found by clicking HERE

Canadian Red Cross FAQs can be found by clicking HERE.

Last edited: Wed, July 05, 2023 - 1:30:39