The Elk Valley & South Country Rural Fire and Rescue Service (EVSC) consists of four Fire Departments. The four stations include Jaffray (main station), Baynes Lake, Elko, and Hosmer Fire Departments. While there are four separate Fire Halls, we often work together during training events and incidents.
We need you! We are currently recruiting for paid-on-call firefighters. To learn more, download the EVSC recruitment package:
Some additional information you may find helpful about joining our team:
Aside from receiving valuable, professional training and the satisfaction of knowing you are helping others in your community, there are numerous other benefits of being a firefighter in the RDEK.
Paid-on-call members are paid per hour for training and incident response. Plus, the training is provided at no cost to you.
Following the six-month probation, and as long as they complete required training and response hours, members are also eligible for a benefits package which includes:
If you are interested in learning more about what the experience is like as a firefighter, or how you’d fit on our team, contact the Chief today and make arrangements to visit the Hall, come watch a training session, or speak to other firefighters.
Requirements of recruits to begin the interview process:
A comprehensive background check is conducted on applicants to establish evidence of good moral character, a well-adjusted personality, community commitment and a pattern of conduct acceptable to the Elk Valley and South Country Rural Fire & Rescue Service.
Becoming a firefighter takes commitment. You need to keep up with your training so that you are ready to answer the call when it comes.
Sometimes training is offered on the weekend or over multiple days. In addition, there will be times when we train with members of our other local Fire Departments.
To apply to be part of our team:
JAFFRAY: Jaffray Fire Department provides fire protection to the citizens of the Regional District of East Kootenay, located in the Jaffray Fire Protection area in the form of:
Normally trains Thursday evenings from 1900-2100hrs. |
Normally trains Thursday evenings from 1900-2100hrs. |
ELKO: Elko Fire Department provides fire protection to the citizens of the Regional District of East Kootenay, located in the Elko Fire Protection area in the form of:
Normally trains Thursday evenings from 1900-2100hrs. |
HOSMER: Hosmer Fire Department provides fire protection to the citizens of the Regional District of East Kootenay, located in the Hosmer Fire Protection area in the form of:
Normally trains Tuesday evenings from 1900-2100hrs. |
Fire Chief Michael Hockley
RDEK Elk Valley & South Country Rural Fire and Rescue Services
PO Box 360, Jaffray BC V0B 1T0
Phone: 250-429-3133
Fax: 250-429-3143
Email: [email protected]
Last edited: Fri, February 11, 2022 - 1:27:33