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Post-Wildfire Hazard Risk Analysis Reports

Following large-scale wildfires, the provincial Ministry of Forests often conducts a preliminary assessment to determine whether there was a potential for debris floods or flows as a result of the fire. Depending on the findings of the preliminary assessment, a more detailed risk analysis may be undertaken.  When these reports are completed and shared with the RDEK, they will be posted on this page.

It is important to note:

  • There are often a number of recommendations within the report, including actions that are recommended for the Province to take as part of their rehabilitation;
  • The Province does not undertake rehabilitation or prevention work on private land.  Any preventative measures that property owners would like to undertake on their own property would be up to them;  
  • Private property owners cannot undertake any work on Crown land without securing appropriate approvals; and,
  • Any work, including construction of deflection berms on private land, must be designed and approved by a qualified professional. 
Post-Wildfire Natural Hazards Risk Analysis Reports:
For More Information:

As these reports are prepared for and overseen by the Ministry, any questions related to them should be directed to:

Sarah Cruikshanks, Geomorphologist
Resource Management – Kootenay Region, Ministry of Forests
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 778 671-9191

Last edited: Fri, November 03, 2023 - 11:29:33