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How To Request to Present at Board

To appear as a delegation (make a presentation) you must provide the following details by email to Tina Hlushak, Corporate Officer ([email protected]):

  1. The topic on which the delegation wishes to speak;
  2. An executive summary or outline of the presentation to be made;
  3. The name of the designated speaker(s);
  4. The specific action which is being requested of the Board or Committee; 
  5. If you are attending the meeting in person or via Zoom: and
  6. Whether or not you will have a powerpoint presentation (Note: for more on the audio / visual equipment we have available. Please refer to the link called "Audio / Visual Aids").

Any person (s) or organization wishing to appear as a regular delegation before the Board or a Committee must submit a written request to the Corporate Officer no later than noon the second Wednesday before the scheduled meeting. Please specify if you would prefer addressing a specific Committee (meetings are held on Thursdays), or the Board of Directors meeting (Friday morning).

You will have a maximum of 10 minutes to make your presentation. Immediately following your presentation, the Directors may ask you questions. Once this question period is finished, the public is not permitted to ask further questions or the join the Directors’ debate. 

Presentations such as Powerpoint or photos will need to be emailed by 4:30 pm on the Monday before the meeting. Documents distributed or electronic presentations made at a Board or Committee meeting may be disclosed to the public, individuals or any other entity as required under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 

Last edited: Wed, January 05, 2022 - 11:43:37