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East Kootenay Accessibility Plan Survey Deadline Extended

The deadline for the East Kootenay Accessibility Plan Introductory Survey has been extended.

The survey will aid the East Kootenay Accessibility Committee in developing an Accessibility Plan for the RDEK’s Electoral Areas, City of Cranbrook, Village of Canal Flats, and District of Invermere.

“The Accessibility Plan is intended to identify, remove and prevent barriers to ensure our communities are accessible and inclusive so that residents are able to fully participate in all aspects of community life,” says RDEK Community Services Coordinator, Sandra Haley. “Our decision to extend the deadline was made to make certain that we are reaching the broadest section of our residents and ensuring that anyone who wants to, can submit their input.”

Hearing from residents about their experiences and having them identify barriers, challenges and successes is critical to ensuring the final plan is as comprehensive as possible. The survey will be open until 4:30pm on September 25, 2024.

Residents can participate in the survey in a number of ways:

  • Onlinehttps://engage.rdek.bc.ca/accessibility
  • Hard Copy – a hard copy can be mailed out or picked up from the RDEK’s Columbia Valley and Cranbrook offices, Cranbrook City Hall, or District of Invermere and Village of Canal Flats municipal offices. To request a copy be mailed, please contact [email protected] or call Sandra at 1-888-478-7335.
    • Completed surveys can be dropped off at any of the local government offices listed above or mailed to: Sandra Haley at the RDEK 19 – 24 Avenue S.,Cranbrook, BC V1C 3H8
  • Phone Survey – if you’d like to complete the survey by phone, please contact Sandra Haley at 1-888-478-7335.

If you’d like more information on the project or the Plan, please contact project lead Sandra Haley, at [email protected].


For more information:  Sandra Haley, RDEK Community Services Coordinator